The Successful Teams have many Characteristics as follows:
Small Size,Diverse Makeup: Teams can be made up of two or more people, in most cases 4 or 5 is members of teams, usually range from from 2 to 25 are the most favourable for many projects. larger group have trouble interacting constructively, much less agreeing in actions. A small size team can be easily managed such as setting up a meeting schedule because of few members in a team, it provide a faster response and in time decision. Member's participation will be more motivate and frequent due to partial of duty on a project. Teams with diverse member usually offer more creative ideas. innovate solution with boarder application than homogeneous teams can.
Agreement on Purpose: An effective team begins with the purpose. it would be impossible for a team to be successful if members will not be agree on the reason they were together, there should be some kind of purpose. And team members understand and fully committed to the vision, mission, goals and objectives of the team if they have clear goal than they can work perfectly and in right direction. working from a general purpose to specific goal typically requires a huge investment of time and effort.
Agreement on Procedures: The goals has taken time to develop procedures to guide them, they set up main goals intermediate goals with deadlines. Roles, responsibilities, expectation and authorities are well defined, understood and accepted work is fairly distributed and skills are well represented with team members abilities recognized and fully utilised. so operations are done without any breaks, procedures are continually evaluated ti ensure movement towards the attainment of the teams goals.
Ability to Confront Conflict: A team should not avoid conflict preferring, gossiping and sulking. on effective teams, there is disagreement but members are comfortable with this and deal with it openly.Although direct conformation saves time and conflict may risky but good team donot avoid conflict it should be attractive. however, confrontation must be task oriented, not person oriented.All team members have a chance to speak their mind and their view should be taken in to court on their strengths and weaknesses not on personalities.
Use of Good Communication Techniques: Effective teams pride themselves on open, paricipatory communication and vigorous discussion. a team member speak cleverly and concisely avoiding generalities. they encourage feedback. team members also willing to listen other and repect their thoughts. and listeners have to involve actively and they also have to read speaker's body language. If they can't understand anything, they have to ask clarifying queations.
Ability to Collaborate Rather Than Compete: There is no "I" in team. teams work well when the ideas shared is a group effort to complete. Each members should work unselfishly and understand that they collaborately want to achieve the same goal. Monitoring team progress allow the team to encourage equal participation. when the project teams celebrate the individual and team achievement. they have to focus on goals.
Acceptance of Ethical Responsibilities: The organization is represented by their employees and is reponsible for the way society views the organization. Team members must take action in decisions that are ethical and legal to promote the organization. Team members should avoid unethical decisions that endanger the organization and members of the society.
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